To what is associated with coughing, chronic bronchitis is a disease that you should be taken very seriously.
While the simple act of coughing is the body’s way of removing debris from the throat and clearing the breathing path, doing so continuously and involuntarily for a long time, maybe a sign of being affected by chronic bronchitis. Having a cough for three months or more could be a sign that you have been affected by the said disease. It becomes essential for you to see a doctor if you feel like you might be suffering from the condition and get chronic bronchitis treatment as soon as possible to avoid any more discomfort.
Explaining the Condition Bronchial tubes are the carriers of air to and from your lungs. They come with a lining, which, when inflamed, is known as bronchitis. Discoloured and thickened mucus comes up in people with bronchitis, while also experiencing chest pain, wheezing, and shortness of breath. For any illness that is long term, such as bronchitis which lasts from anywhere between three months to two years or more in a row, the chances of it entirely going away are close to none. At Pranayam Lung & Heart Institute, you will see that we have some of the best doctors for chronic bronchitis treatment. Rest assured you will be in safe hands. Talk to us. In several cases, doctors have seen patients develop emphysema, a type of lung disease. Bronchitis of such a type is known as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It is also possible that the condition is acute, in which case the condition tends to improve by itself or with some medication in a few days. It generally develops after a cold or a respiratory infection. For someone who has chronic bronchitis, sticky mucus builds up in the airways of the patient and blocks the airflow to and from the lungs. As time goes by, the blockage becomes worse, and it becomes tough for people to breathe.
The Symptoms
If you were to pay attention to your health, you would understand the symptoms that come with the condition and understand how to act in favour of chronic bronchitis treatment.
Due to a prolonged irritation and inflammation phase that the lungs have to go through, along with the airway being blocked by thick mucus, people cannot breathe.
The mucus produced over time could be white, yellow, or green.
If a person with chronic bronchitis were to exercise or carry out any form of physical activity, it would be seen that they experience shortness of breath. Why? Well, of course, because there isn’t enough space in the airways for the air to flow correctly.
Let’s take a look at the symptoms that may be warning signs.
Sinus Congestion
Bad Breath
Chest Discomfort
When the condition is left untreated for a longer time, things will begin to get worse. Since the oxygen supply in the blood and body will be reduced considerably, the lips and skin may develop a bluish tint on them.
Not just this, with a reduction in the amount of oxygen, legs and ankles could become swollen, which is known as peripheral oedema.
The symptoms of the condition may worsen as well, if and when you do not get chronic bronchitis treatment.
In some cases, cough disappears entirely for a little while but returns more aggressively. If the episodes are severe, they could be triggered by some of the following:
Infections in any part or organ of the body
A heart condition
Anything from the cold or flu, being included in respiratory tract infection
Irritants from the environment such as pollution or dust
The Causes of Chronic Bronchitis As mentioned before, chronic bronchitis tends to be the result of inflammation or irritation in the lining of the bronchial tubes. When the instance is repeated for a longer time, the airways are damaged and see a large amount of mucus being formed. This inflammation also damages the cilia, i.e. the hair-like structures which ensure that the airways stay clear of germs and other outside particles that may cause irritation. Since the cilia stop performing their duties as they should, the airways become an ideal place for bacteria and viruses to reproduce and spread from there to the entire body. Rather than having to suffer through several illnesses, it would be better to get chronic bronchitis treatment. While acute bronchitis is caused and triggered by the initial irritation and swelling, chronic bronchitis is the result of smoking cigarettes often. Fact: Over 90% of all diseases are somehow caused by smoking. When you inhale the smoke from a cigarette, it temporarily paralyzes the cilia. So, if you were to smoke on a daily basis, it could have drastic effects on cilia, causing chronic bronchitis to develop over a period. Passive smoke can also damage the cilia, although it might not be as much. Of the several other aspects that contribute to chronic bronchitis are inhaling industrial or chemical fumes, air pollution, and toxic gases. For anyone who repeatedly has an infection in their lungs, the symptoms of chronic bronchitis could worsen.
It’s Time to See a Doctor
It is fair for most people to be scared of seeing a doctor when it could result in chronic bronchitis treatment which might require surgery as well.
Rather than risking your life, it would be better to get yourself checked. It would help if you did not assume that you suffer from smoker’s cough.
If you feel like there is a slight chance that you might be suffering from bronchitis, then get in touch with your doctor. You may also contact our doctors at Pranayam.
You do not want to put yourself in a position where the chances of heart failure or respiratory problems arise.
Here are the signs that you should keep a lookout for:
Issues in getting enough sleep through the night
Production of blood or discoloured mucus
Cough has been persistent for three weeks or more
A fever that rises above 100.40F
Sudden weight loss
Experiencing shortness of breath or wheezing
Diagnosing the Condition Understandably, it would be tough for an unprofessional to recognize the symptoms and follow any sort of chronic bronchitis treatment, even if they tried. It is essential for you to visit your doctor regularly and get a full body checkup. As far as identifying the condition goes, there are several tests that a professional can conduct.
To understand the functioning of lungs, whether they’re working as they should be, a pulmonary function test is conducted. By looking for any signs of emphysema or asthma, through the measurement of your breathing capacity, doctors can assess your condition.
With an X-ray, doctors should be able to determine the cause of your cough, and the condition of your cough. In some cases, the cough is a result of pneumonia.
When you are taken for a CT scan, several high-resolution images will be taken of your body from different angles. This ensures that your doctor can analyze your lungs and other organs clearly.
The mucus that we cough up from our lungs is known as sputum. Carrying out tests on this mucus will tell the doctor if there is any sign of bacteria.
These tests are essential and should be carried out if there is even the slightest suspicion of having acute or chronic bronchitis.
Chronic Bronchitis Treatment There are several ways in which the condition can be managed, but in no way can it be cured. If the diagnosis is made earlier, then there are chances of curbing the condition. Let’s take a look at some of the treatment options that are available for people who suffer from chronic bronchitis.
Making Lifestyle Changes As mentioned earlier, smoking is one of the primary causes of chronic bronchitis. So, it only makes sense to quit smoking as soon as possible. If you live in a city with high pollution rates, then you should wear a mask around your nose and mouth to avoid inhaling excess toxic smoke. Stay away from household spray cleaners. Exercise your lungs daily by performing activities that engage your lungs and help you breathe better.
Medical Treatments For any kind of medical advice on chronic bronchitis treatment, you must consult your doctor. The dosage and methods will change depending on your condition and the severity of the same. So there you have it. Everything that you needed to know on chronic bronchitis has been covered in this article. We hope you take care of yourself. Pranayam Lung & Heart Institute is a multi-speciality hospital in Vadodara, Gujarat, that has been on a journey to create a healthy society for the last four decades. We’re an ideal module that aims at curing patients of various respiratory and cardiac diseases with the help of experts and high-end technology. Our doctors will go the extra mile to make sure that you are given the care you need. Talk to us today for more