COVID-19 is causing a global pandemic with an increasing number of infected and death numbers. It has driven the entire world home and brought the country's economic activity to a halt. The novel coronavirus can enter your body just like normal flu and lead to greater complications.
It all starts with common flu-like symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat and headaches and can even result in an increased risk of hospitalization or death. All the symptoms are the same across all age groups, but the severity can differ according to the age and other comorbidities. People who are 60 years or above with existing illnesses like diabetes or other chronic diseases can have more complications and require immediate coronavirus treatment.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eight out of 10 deaths in the U.S. from the new coronavirus have been among people of the age group 65 and above. An estimated 6% to 29% of people 85 and older who get COVID-19 require intensive care.
Some of the common reasons include:
Older adults tend to have long-term health problems that can be risky.
The weak immune system can make it difficult for them to fight off infections.
The lung tissue becomes less elastic with time and can develop respiratory diseases.
Excess inflammation can be intense in their age, causing organ damage.
The coronavirus can be fatal for people of all ages until you don’t follow government-imposed guidelines. The best way to protect yourself is quarantine and isolation. They are unpleasant to the ears, but this is the only solution to avoid yourself from the prey of COVID-19.
In this blog, we will be speaking about the complications COVID-19 with pre-existing illnesses suffer during the home quarantine. We will be highlighting some of the common health issues and understand their intricacies when they are asked to home quarantine themselves.
Pranayam Lung and Heart Institute have experienced medical practitioners who help in curing COVID-19 patients. We also offer the best physiotherapy and COVID-19 hospital in Vadodara. We believe that it is successful in treating patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms. Scroll down to know the complications people with pre-existing illnesses are facing during the pandemic and their home quarantine complications.
COVID-19 and Diabetes:
People who have diabetes are vulnerable to COVID-19 because of 2 reasons. Firstly, their immune system is compromised, and second, the virus can survive in elevated blood glucose. Diabetes patients are at a greater risk of experiencing severe complications like respiratory failure and even death.
While people with diabetes ‘Mellitus’ may also have other medical problems, including high blood pressure, clogging of the blood vessels of the heart and low kidney function that puts them at a greater risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19.
When home quarantining yourself, you need to remember this: Diabetes doesn’t increase your risk of contracting the virus. Instead, your risk can increase when you’re exposed to someone with the virus. Thus, it’s essential to wash your hands and social distance yourself entirely.
COVID-19 and Heart Disease:
COVID-19 affects the airways and lungs – these organs work together with the heart to transport oxygen to the body’s tissue. When the lungs get infected or overtaxed due to illness, the heart needs to work hard, which can impact the health of people with diseases.
According to the American Heart Association, virus diseases like the COVID-19 can increase the risk of a heart attack in people with a buildup of plaque in their blood vessels. Several pieces of research have shown that viral illnesses can lead to break off a portion of the plaque lining the vessels and block the blood flow to the heart.
People who are home quarantined need to be in sync with their health provider. Make sure you take all your medications regularly prescribed and stay in touch with your doctor every day for effective treatment for COVID-19.
COVID-19 and Lung Disease:
When the SARS-CoV-2 virus enters your body, it comes into contact with the mucous membranes that connect with your nose, mouth, and eyes. It enters a healthy cell and uses it to make virus parts which multiply and infects the nearby cells.
In mild and moderate cases, the virus travels your respiratory tract and swells the lungs and airways. As the swelling gets worse, your lungs get filled with debris and fluids, leading to pneumonia. In critical cases, the infection tends to damage the walls and linings of the air sacs in your lungs, making it harder for your lungs to swap oxygen and carbon dioxide.
If you’re suffering from moderate COVID-19 symptoms, then your doctor will ask you to home quarantine yourself and will check on you regularly to avoid complications.
Read more on: COVID-19 and Asthma: Expert guidelines to stay safe
COVID-19 and Hypertension
Hyperte-nsion is increasing in the elderly, and they appear to be at risk of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and witness severe complications. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), people with hypertension are among the highest-risk groups for more severe cases of, and death from, COVID-19. There’s a unique link between COVID-19 and hypertension - angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).
The enzyme acts on the ACE2 receptors to increase the blood pressure. The class of antihypertensives known as ACE inhibitors tend to block this action to lower blood pressure. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have given standard prevention practices that can help you to recover during the home quarantine.
Ongoing management of patients with hypertension, telemedicine‐based blood pressure monitoring strategies can facilitate maintenance of good blood pressure control while social distancing is maintained. This will enhance COVID-19 treatment.
Several things can relieve symptoms, and you can even recover at home if you have mild COVID-19 symptoms. Home quarantine is the best and safe alternative since hospitals are overcrowded with coronavirus patients and otherwise. When you are at home, you should:
Take as much as rest as possible for a speedy recovery.
Stay at home and avoid public places.
Dehydration can worsen your symptoms.
Monitor your symptoms and don’t take time to consult your doctor.
Ask for over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen to lower your fever.
While people over 65 or above with other health problems, the most important thing is to avoid contact and adhere to all safety guidelines strictly.
Stay at one place and use a separate bathroom, bedroom and even utensils if possible. Ask your family members to keep a safe distance from you.
Cover your face whenever you cough or sneeze. You should also cover your mouth using your elbow if you don't have a handkerchief.
Always wear a mask over your nose and mouth.
Try to disinfect high touch surfaces frequently.
The patient's family members should seek emergency care if you show the following signs and symptoms:
Laboured breathing
Bluish lips or face
Persistent chest pain or pressure
Inability to talk or be roused
Disclaimer: You should move to the hospital when you experience a sudden drop in SPO2, fever not subsiding etc. It's important to stay cautious around high-risk patients.
The Bottom Line
As per the CDC, people with moderate to severe asthma, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should be on high alert. It also implies for people who've had a heart attack, a stroke or an organ transplant. Even Immunosuppressants or cancer drugs also make you more vulnerable, as do diabetes, obesity or being age 60 or older.
Also read: What to Do If You Are Sick?
Pranayam Lung and Heart Institute (PLHI) has been an upholding journey of extremely dedicated efforts put together to create a healthy society for the past 38 years. We began with an idea for a comprehensive respiratory healthcare service, available to each of the needful at sufficient rates and with 100% personal care.
We have been able to develop itself into an ideal module to cure respiratory and cardiac diseases with its latest technology and unmatched skills. Rely on the best COVID- 19 hospital in Vadodara. Contact us today!