if there's anything scary about being alive, then it is the fear of having a heart attack.
Many people are worried about what will become of them in case of experiencing a heart attack. This state of being in constant fear is for good reason. Every organ of our body is important, but if something were to happen to our heart, we couldn’t survive. This is why it is crucial that we take care of ourself and our heart. Along with that, a heart checkup should also become a part of our routine doctor’s visit. Let’s get into the details of a heart attack.
What is an Attack? When a person has a heart attack, a segment of their heart muscle dies because the blood supply carrying oxygen to that section is cut off. When an artery supplying blood to the heart muscle is blocked by a blood clot, the blood can no longer flow freely, causing a heart attack. Even when a small muscle in the heart stops receiving blood supply, it can cause chest pain, and the person will also experience electrical instability of the heart muscle tissue. The risk of a person experiencing a heart attack increases in a man who is over the age of 45 years. This age limit is extended for women, who may see a heart attack even after 55 years. There are several heart hospitals in Baroda who could provide you with such information. The difference could vary depending on several factors, with some of the most common ones being obesity and smoking habit. If you know someone who has had a heart attack, and want to learn about how to take care of their heart, then you should read this blog.
What are the Symptoms? If you were to be attentive to the changes that are going on in your body, you’d be able to tell when you are having a heart attack. A heart attack can be fatal and should be taken very seriously. You must call for help from emergency services or a heart specialist. Most of the times, patients who go to the best heart hospitals are heard complaining of a feeling of tightness, aching, squeezing, or pain. These feelings tend to spread farther i.e. to the jaw, neck, or back. These are the obvious signs. Not just that, there are also a few other signs that could suggest a heart attack. Let’s take a look at them. Vomiting Coughing Dizziness Restlessness Chest pain that feels crushing Change in face colour, becoming grey Feeling sweaty and clammy Nausea Shortness of breath Feeling awful in general
Risk Factors associated with Heart Attacks When was the last time you looked back and thought about how you are living your life? Leave that be, When was the last time you got a heart checkup? Well, that is one of the primary factors that can increase or decrease your chances of having a heart attack. There are certain factors that you cannot change, but then there are some, which can be taken care of, to avoid, or at least delay the attack. Here’s a list of the risk factors that you can do nothing about: If you are a man, you are at a higher risk of facing a heart attack. As you grow older, the risk increases, especially after the age of 65. For those who have a family history of being obese, having high blood pressure, or diabetes are prone to have a heart attack. And then there are things that you can change in your life, in the way you live to improve your chances against the deadly heart attack which any heart hospital in Baroda will suggest: Controlling your cholesterol levels by reducing the amount of fat consumption and eating more soluble fibre. Reducing the consumption of alcohol during the week. Create a timetable that includes exercising at least 4 days a week to keep your weight in control and your heart beating at the right pace. Smoking is one habit that is tough to let go of, so the least you can do is reduce the number of times you smoke a day. If you have diabetes, you want to keep a check on your blood sugar levels and have them be in control. A healthy diet with lots of vitamins and proteins are also important. You want to improve your chances of survival, don’t you? Your life and the people in it have to be precious enough to encourage you to make certain changes in your lifestyle. Either way. Here’s what some of the best heart hospitals would say if you were to have a heart attack. Hey, there are a lot of risks associated with a heart attack. Learn about them here and don’t fall into believing these myths.
What to Do in case of a Heart Attack? The first thing that you must do, either for yourself or for someone who is having a heart attack is to loosen their clothing and have them lay down. Call the emergency services, i.e. 108 or any such ambulance service that can take you to the nearest hospital. While the ambulance arrives, you must chew an entire tablet of aspirin and swallow it. Sorbitrate is one tablet that should be kept at hand for anyone who thinks they may have a chance of getting a heart attack. It should be placed under the tongue and sucked on. This tablet should not be taken in case of profuse sweating. If Sorbitrate is not available, then it can be switched for glucose powder. This can be placed under the tongue or on it. In the case of shortness of breath, you should lay down only partially and begin coughing intermittently. Have your doctor do a thorough heart checkup. If there is one thing that you must remember during this chaos, is to not fall into the trap of experimenting with any home remedies or ideas that have not been scientifically proven.
The Complications Associated with a Heart Attack Generally, you will see two types of complications occur in someone who has a heart attack. Be aware of these for your safety. The Immediate Ones Your blood pressure could drop at an alarming rate, and the heart does not get enough blood to keep functioning as it should. Ventricle, a heat chamber, could form a bulge which is known as a ventricular aneurysm. Pulmonary edema could occur if fluid starts to accumulate in and around the lungs. The heart could beat at an irregularly. This could be too fast or too slow, being known as arrhythmias. Oxygen levels reduce in the bloodstream, which is known as hypoxemia. When you get a heart attack, the walls of the muscle get damaged. This could lead to the rupture of the heart. When this happens, it’s called myocardial rupture. Blood clots may develop in the legs and the pelvis which interrupts or blocks the blood flow in the vein. The Ones that Occur Later Chest pain can occur due to less oxygen reaching the heart. Legs and ankles and become swollen due to accumulation of fluids. This is known as edema. Pericarditis can occur meaning inflammation in the lining of the heart. The damaged heart wall can build a scar tissue causing a blood clot, along with abnormal heart rhythms and low blood pressure. The heart will start beating in an extremely weak manner. This may cause you to feel breathless and exhausted. You could develop vascular problems leading to erectile dysfunction. (There is a chance that the same condition could be due to depression.) For men to have a heart attack, it could be worse, since they could lose their sex drive. So you see, with so many problems caused due to a heart attack, it is a must that you go to the best heart hospital for your treatment. When you do go to the hospital, your doctors will examine you thoroughly.
The Diagnosis Process A physical examination will be carried out by the attending doctor to diagnose a heart attack. They will need to review your medical records. Ideally, they should be conducting an ECG or an electrocardiogram. This is done to check the heart’s electrical activity. Various other tests should also be conducted by taking your blood samples to check the amount of damage to the heart muscle. If and when the doctor detects a heart attack, they can use several kinds of treatments. These differ from person to person, depending on the intensity, cause, medical history, etc. Heart attacks are unexpected. But that does not mean you can’t be careful and be aware of the signs that may suggest you could be in danger of heart failure. Keep getting a heart checkup so that you are aware of your condition and can take preventive measures. A heart attack may take a severe toll on your body, and going through such a phase should be avoided if possible. Pranayam Lung & Heart Institute is a multi-speciality hospital in Vadodara, Gujarat, that has been on a journey to create a healthy society for the last 4 decades. We’re an ideal module that aims at curing patients of various respiratory and cardiac diseases with the help of experts and high-end technology. Our doctors will go the extra mile to make sure that you are given the care you need. Talk to us today for more information.